1.Who are you as an artist? What is your story?
Well as an artist I always strive to be me, Anthony Ryan. I aspire to be a household brand with my own sound that fans can distinguish instantly. I see myself as a person that possesses vision and passion for art that stimulates my audience’s experiences in life. My story is one of a kid from the Virgin Islands who has overcome rough beginnings and is working hard to inspire a generation that may be traveling down the same road.
2.Who are some of your favorite artists and music influences?
It’s hard for me to really choose favorites. I really enjoy a lot of different styles and sounds of music. I tend to be more connected with artists who not only make good music, but also has a great story behind them. Artists like Bob Marley, Jah Cure, Usher, Lil’ Wayne, etc. inspire me to have a similar work ethic to find success in what I love to do. In the end, I hope to be an influence to someone else.
3.What makes your music worth it? To the world? To your fans?
I feel that my music is worth it because of the content and the emotions that are behind my music. I write music for my listeners and not for myself. Some of my music has messages that are meant to provoke thought in the world, while other songs are meant for individuals that may be experiencing something similar. At the end of he day I believe my fans will appreciate all my music, but they will cling to those that resonate deep within them.
4. What is the future of music and the industry?
The artist is the future music and the industry. With the power of the Internet and the access to distribution, eventually it will be more common to see people like Chance Tha Rapper take the music scene by storm. More resources have been made accessible to independent artists, and with popularity being the vehicle, its possible to go viral or give a song the exposure it needs. This new trend is making a record label look like an unattractive venture.
5. What surprises you the most about the music industry?
I am most surprised that the content in music has dropped dramatically. I feel as though new artists don’t respect it as an art form, but rather a quick buck to be made. Producers seem to be the primary people showing growth and dictating the direction of music. In the world of sports you have to be good to some degree to make it in. I feel that in music we have lost sight of this benchmark, and the end fans and the artists with true talent suffer.
6. What’s your Poison?
Hands down procrastination is my poison. It kills all productivity and hinders growth. It’s the reason why you ask the question “what could have been?” When I sit down to write a song, record, or anything in life, I would rather have the time to be able to complete that task. The better my chances of having something completed, the higher chance I would put more effort into it. Time is non refundable, you have to make the most of it.
7. How is your Art “your religion”?
Art can be a religion because of all the time, passion, and emotions that may come from it. If you are habitual, you can be rewarded for you diligence. Yet, it is a doubled edge sword. It also has negatives like the strains it may put on relationships, or even the lack of recreational time to refresh yourself. Art requires balance, without it you may lose what inspired your creativity.
8. What are you truly creating with your music that changes the world, changes society?
I’m creating an idea, better yet, a thought process. I want my listeners to not fear to engage in dialogue. I hope my music make fans cry, laugh, feel angry, motivated, etc. I want to empower the human emotions to react. Even if my music only affects one person, my job has been fulfilled. Song lyrics are ideas that may help mold the next visionary, political figure, or the father that is proud he was able to live up to the expectations he set for himself. The right song may change the way we view the world.
8. What is the spiritual message of your music?
My music affects a person deeper than the physical. I feel my music has a spiritual message. As human beings we struggle with identity, meaning, and loneliness to name a few. We were created in God’s image, and bought with a price, His son Jesus Christ. We can find knowledge and wisdom in our creator. I apply this worldview to everyday life examples to help show the connection, and give those in need of a second chance an escape.
9. Have you been “lucky” or “gifted” in the music industry so far? Tell us more:
I don’t feel like I have been “lucky” or “gifted”. I feel that I have worked hard and stayed consistent, and now I am enjoying the fruits of my labor. It is truly a blessing to have a level of natural talent, but even raw talent has to be refined into something that can be perceived as valuable by the masses. Opportunity knocks on everyone’s door, whether we answer is a totally different thing.
10 .What do you really think it takes to make it in the music industry? Tell us 3 keys.
To make it in the industry, I believe its going to take 3 key things, hard work, attitude, and consistency. These are the necessary building blocks to succeed. You need a good attitude to approach the things you are chasing. If you aren’t willing to work hard, you’ve already failed. Consistency is a must. You have to be able to keep pushing relentlessly with out wavering. With out these characteristics, you will make your journey a lot harder and fail to find the results you want.
11. What is your main inspirational philosophy in life? Favorite quote?
The Bible states that you reap what you sow. I cherish this saying. You can’t work part time and expect full time results. What you put into you craft or dream is what you are going to get out of it. You can’t be upset with the world for not revolving around you. You have to plant seeds that will give you a plentiful harvest when the time is ripe.
12. What do you regret the most in your music and would have done differently?
I have no regrets at this point. Everything has either been a success, a lesson learned, or a detour to my destination. You have to trust the process and what comes along with the journey. Like any ride, their will be smooth sailing, twists and turns, storms, and obstacles meant to slow you down and make you more experienced. This chase becomes more exciting than when you actually attain your goal.
13. Where do you see your career going in five years? 10 years? Next year?
I would love to be bold enough to tell you where I see my self next year, in five years, or even ten years. Realistically, I don’t possess that knowledge and I’m typically wrong when I believe all my plans are going to work out perfectly. One thing I can count on is that with hard work, attitude, and consistency, I will be farther than where I am now.
14. Legacy: At the end of the day, how do you want your fans to remember you and your music?
I want my fans to remember me as a flawed individual who needed God as much as anyone else. I want them to remember me as someone who was brave, transparent, and relatable. I don’t want my fans to see a hierarchy or gap between them and me. I’m a human being that is complex, and trying to navigate through life as they are. In the end, who you are to people may outweigh the things you may have done.